We offer FREE Standard Shipping on EVERY order – WORLDWIDE. It’s really that simple!
However, if you simply can’t wait for your order, or you prefer the re-assurance of tracking it until it reaches you, we have different options available to you. To find out more about the range of delivery services available at www.zuzafashion.com, please send us an email with information where in the world you’d like your delivery made to, and by what date, and we will send you necessary information as soon as possible.
Items usually ship from our store within 2-10 business days.
International orders (outside Thailand):
You should receive your order in approximately 5-21 business days from the day its shipped, and depending on where in the world it is being sent.
Please note that we cannot estimate if you will need to pay duty and how much that would be. Customs duty is based upon the regulations of the destination country. We are not responsible for any duty that you may have to pay to your country when receiving your order. Zuzafashion.com accepts no responsibility for import charges – please check with your customs office before ordering if you are unsure as to whether this applies to your country.
International shipping are subject to custom security checks and might cause slight delays in parcels arriving.
We are currently unable to accept orders with PO box address , orders must be shipped to a physical address.

Returns will not be accepted due to customs fees, with the exception of damaged items which must be reported within 7 days of delivery, and sent back to ZuZa fashion within 21 days of delivery, weekend days included.
It is important to observe the package upon delivery for damage due to shipping. If there is damage to your package, you must report it to the shipping carrier before acceptance of the package.
Refused Shipments – If you decide to refuse any shipments from www.zuzafashion.com, you are responsible for the original shipping charges to you, any duties, taxes and/or customs charges that are incurred on the package (on both the original and return shipments), and the cost of returning the package to www.zuzafashion.com. This amount will be subtracted from your merchandise refund.
Please note that often attempted delivery by your postal courier won’t result in a card being left. We always advise to check with your local post office or specific courier to ensure the parcel isn’t waiting on you.
Note to Customer: We cannot be responsible for items in the event that you are out of town and there is valid proof of delivery.